Quinlan had his 6 month check up with the pediatrician last week (a couple of weeks late, as Q is 7 months tomorrow), and everything went well. He weighed in at 16 lbs, 3 oz and his height is 25 3/4". This has him in the 15th percentile. Of course his head again has him in a higher percentile, he is 55th for head circumference. It may be a cardigan winter :)
We discussed Quinlan's developmental milestones: his rolling front to back and back to front (mostly witnessed via video monitor, as Q likes to practice in his crib first). However, he has rolled onto his stomach while reaching for toys on the floor. Quinlan also is passing items between his hands and is now grabbing hair and glasses. In fact, he stole daddy's glasses the other night while dad was getting him ready for bed!
The pediatrician thinks Quinlan is doing great and is continuing to catch up developmentally to his birth age.
Quinlan has even started sleeping on his stomach some, which we hope helps his digestion a bit. Quinlan is having a rough time in that department as he is going over a week between bowel movements, and then is quite uncomfortable a few days before and when they occur. The pediatrician has prescribed Lactulose, an indigestible sugar solution, to be taken in the morning in order to pull water into his bowels and make his stool softer. Since being on it, Q has had a couple of large poops (one that soaked through his night sleep sack) and seems much more comfortable.
We are hoping to transition him off this solution as he starts moving more (rolling outside the crib, sitting and playing, crawling, etc.) helping his bowels regulate better. The doctor also prescribed more tummy time, so we are making sure Quinlan spends time on his belly (both in and out of the crib).