Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Planting Our Spring Garden

      Quinlan was willing to help pot the seedlings that we acquired as long as he didn't have to wear shoes. Momma was lucky enough to be gifted herbs and tomato seedlings from her boys for Mother's Day, and some lettuce, Brussel sprouts, spinach and more tomatoes from her old roommate Alex and his wife Erica.
     Good thing Quinlan was able to help get them all in pots. I'll bet Q also will be good at eating the food they produce!

     Our course, Quinlan prefers to just take rocks in and out of the pots versus planting actual plants. The clothespins in the empty bleach bottle are also a very fun play thing.
     He takes each one out and instructs momma as to wear they should be placed on the line. He has also been known to help hand clothespins to momma while hanging laundry.
     The back porch has already become a favorite play area.

     A few days later when we were out on the porch again, Quinlan was moving rocks back and forth between pots. Dumping some out. Arranging some with dirt. When asked what he was doing, he responded, "Cooking."

"What are you cooking?"


"What kind of food?"

"Rock food. Yummy."

Monday, May 5, 2014

Burying Gammy's Feet

     Grammy came up for the weekend and got to spend quite a lot of time with Mr. Q. We got him ready for her visit by talking about her arrival the week before.

"Quinlan, Grammy is coming in a few days."

"Gammy, pee up [pick up]. Big hug."

"Yup, Grammy is going to pick you up and give you a big hug."

"Yup. Gammy, keen up [clean up]."

"Yes. Grammy is likely going to clean as well."

      They spent many hours at our local park, which as you can see contains sand. This was the perfect time to use the bucket and shovel that Grammy bought as party favors for Quinlan's birthday party. Quinlan learned how to make sand castles and how to bury Grammy's feet.
     We all learned how much sand rolled up pant legs and sneakers can carry back into the house. The bucket and sand shovel are now permanently in his park bag, along with the yellow soccer ball Grammy bought him.

"Kick.... Run Run Run!"

      Grammy's visit allowed Quinlan's parents to again participate in the 48 hour film fest on team Obnots. This year's we got horror as our genre, but I think we really pulled it off. Check out Ink.

    We only have bit parts and did a lot more behind the scenes this year.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Quinlan is 2!!!

    Today Quinlan is 2, and we find ourselves wondering where the time has gone. Also, we cannot be prouder of what Quinlan has achieved in this last year. Especially in the last couple of months, it seems he has really grown. He is now walking and talking, and it is fascinating to see the world through his eyes.

     Quinlan has a weekly play date with Dadda at the Museum of Science in Cambridge where we have a family membership. I have to say that is was well worth the $200/year as it gives us 2 adult admissions and 2 hours of free parking each time we visit. I think it paid for itself in 3 visits!
    These pictures are from the Children's Discovery Zone in the bird's nest. Quinlan enjoys climbing in this structure, checking out the snake and turtle who live nearby and playing with the life sized Light Brite.

      His sense of humor is developing and he cracks us all up with some of the silly things he does. He even has his first joke. He like to take inanimate objects, such as a block or his shoe, and bring them up to his mouth while making a slurping noise. He then says, "Shoup!" and laughs, because obviously he is not eating soup. Oh, and he pronounces it "shoup". He also likes to point out when we need to "schweep" the floor.
     Life with this one is anything but dull.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Quinlan shows off some walkin'!

This physio ball movie is from 2 weeks ago.  This is a new activity that the OT came up with for him to practice his dynamic standing balance...he just finds it hilariously fun!

As you can see from this video Quinlan is really happy most of the time. He is becoming much more confident in his walking, especially after not doing as much this past week as a result of his teething. The new canines coming in were quite difficult for him and we could not send him to daycare on Monday, 11/25 because he had a fever, a runny nose and was quite persnickety. Jess had him on Tuesday and we decided to take him to the docs that afternoon to confirm that he did not have an ear ache or strep or some other bug. He was a bear after that afternoon nap, but was surprisingly happy once we braved 4 o'clock traffic downtown...and the good news was that he just had a bunch of teeth coming in...nothing else wrong. By Thursday he was back to his old chipper self and we've had a super amazing week!

On Saturday Q and I (dad) went on a brewing adventure down to Hollbrook to visit with Mathew, Zalika and was super fun! We enjoyed some amazing Thanksgiving leftovers, including home made gluten free mac and cheese, noodle kugel, brussel sprouts, mashed spuds, squash, sweet potato and turnip/carrot stuff. We both loved it. The brewing of a decadent chocolate stout was also a major success--we did a double batch--Matt used all Willamette whole leaf hops and followed the recipes hop additions of 60/35/15 minutes. Dad veered slightly off by using Legacy hops (think blackcurrent aroma) with just two additions at 60 and flameout. Both recipes used 2 oz of organic cocoa nibs at 30min and another at 5min. The cocoa we ground up a bit finer and it was this beautiful scarlet, almost purple color in the wort....This beer is going to be a massive winner!!!

Anyway, the next set of vids are from today, our recent visit to Bec's new digs in Somerville.

And enjoying some noodles just before we went on our adventure to Bec's...

Dad let me try his apple...fresh from the local CSA....I LOVE IT!

Do you want it back Dada? can have some but give it back....

Ah! A nice messy lunch! Dad's busy with the camera, so I'm going to get a bit jigggy with this entree!

I'm just like my parents...I really enjoy my food!

Could I have some more cheese please?!
Meal time with Dada is the best because he just lets me try everything! And he doesn't stress if I make a bit of a mess ;-)

You too can also become a handsome actor, just sign up for my handsome actor course and youre just moments away from being the next big star!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Recent pics and video!

The watermelon video is much older...from in the summer, pre-Mumum's hair cutting exploits (which have made him look even more handsome and boyish!)